Tru -Cleaning

End of lease cleaning

We Clean. You Relax

Don't Stress, We'll Clean the Mess! Your Trusted End of Lease Cleaners!
Sydney’s #1 Cleaning Company

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    Your Hassle-Free End of Lease Cleaning Solution

    At our cleaning service, we understand that the end of a lease can be a stressful time. That’s why we’re here to make your life easier with our user-friendly approach to end of lease cleaning.

    Why Choose Us :

    1. Expert Team: Our skilled cleaning professionals are experts in end of lease cleaning. They know exactly what landlords expect, ensuring your place meets the required standards.

    2. All-Inclusive Cleaning: We’ve got all your cleaning needs covered, from carpets to windows, bathrooms to kitchens. We leave no corner untouched.

    3. Time and Energy Saver: Moving is hard work. Let us handle the cleaning while you focus on other aspects of your move.

    4. Quality Products: We use top-notch, eco-friendly products and equipment for a clean that’s safe for you and the environment.

    5. Affordable: We offer competitive pricing, making professional end of lease cleaning accessible to all.

    6. Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your happiness matters. If you’re not 100% satisfied, we’ll come back and fix it, ensuring you get your full deposit back.

    7. Stress-Free Move: Our mission is to simplify your move. Hand over a clean property to your landlord with confidence.

    Local Business Owner

    Fully Trained Industry Professional

    Fully Insured & Police Checked

    Satisfaction Guarantee

    15+ Years in the Industry

    Sydney's Top End of Lease Cleaning Services

    Moving house can be an exciting yet challenging experience. If you’ve been renting a property, it’s essential to return it in its original condition to satisfy your landlord or real estate agent. While normal wear and tear are expected, hiring a professional cleaning service can significantly improve the property’s appearance, increasing your chances of getting your security deposit back.”

    How It Works ?

    Planning ahead can make your end of lease cleaning a hassle-free experience. We recommend reaching out to us at least a month before your move.

    Our friendly customer service team will discuss your cleaning needs and schedule with you. We’ll even provide a free quote upfront, so you know what to expect regarding the cost. Our skilled end of lease cleaners will bring all the necessary cleaning supplies and products.

    At Tru Cleaning, we stand by the quality of our work and materials. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not completely happy with any aspect of our cleaning, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll work closely with you to address any concerns or issues.”

    Why Choose Our End of Tenancy Cleaning Services in Sydney?

    While it might be tempting to handle end of lease cleaning on your own to save money, it could end up costing you your security deposit. Our professional end of lease cleaners are here to ensure you have the best chance of satisfying your landlord and getting your full deposit back

    At Tru Cleaning, we prioritize your satisfaction above all else. That’s why we back all our services with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. If you’re not happy with the cleaning job, we’ll return to make it right at no extra cost. Your happiness is our ultimate goal!

    What’s Included in Our End of Lease Cleaning Services:

    Our end of lease cleaning in Sydney is designed to cover all the essential tasks necessary to prepare a rental space for the next tenant. Our skilled end of lease cleaners work diligently to restore the property to a like-new condition, leaving it impeccably clean and sanitized. This comprehensive service includes:

    We take care of every detail to ensure your rental property is in excellent condition for the next tenant.

    End Of Lease Cleaning Process

    At Tru Cleaning, our End Of Lease Cleaning method blends state-of-the-art technology with eco-friendly practices, delivering a flawless finish and unwavering satisfaction for our esteemed clients.



    Call us at + 61 468 762 268 to book your end of lease cleaning in Sydney.


    Quote and Requirements

    Our support team will gather your property details and requirements and provide you with a custom quote.


    Choose a Date

    Select a convenient date for cleaning, ideally 1-2 days before the final inspection.


    Cleaning Day

    Our cleaners arrive at your doorstep, equipped with all necessary tools and supplies. If you're unavailable, we collect keys from a secure location.


    Thorough Cleaning

    Our team follows the REINSW-approved checklist, ensuring every aspect of the cleaning service is completed to your satisfaction.


    Inspection and Payment

    Await your evaluation. Securely leave keys if you're absent. Pay online when satisfied. Rarely, offer free re-clean within 72 hours.

    Save Time and Money with Our Services!